Top tips for utilising talent in your organisation

Everyone is talented in some way or form. And while some may appear to be more talented than others, we all have something that we’re good at, and which is easy and natural for us to do. So, it’s important for employees to make better use of the talents inside their organisations, as it will […]

Five tips for dealing with unhealthy stress

Healthy stress does exist. It’s the butterflies in our stomach before a big presentation, the tension we feel before we go on holiday or when we’re watching an exciting soccer game. It’s temporary but makes us perform optimally, and disappearing afterwards so that the body can return to its natural state of rest. Negative stress […]

Increasing exercise in the office

Ever found yourself slumping into your couch after a day crammed with meetings, emails, and relentless screen time, only to realize you’ve barely moved beyond the confines of your office chair? It’s a familiar scene for many of us caught in the whirlwind of a 9-to-5 lifestyle, where the majority of our waking hours are […]

Getting more out of your people with the SkillsTown learning approach

Getting the most out of your employees, and keeping them enthusiastic and motivated to learn and take on new challenges, is key to your success. But how do you go about doing this practically? Let’s take a look. The forget curve Training might already be on your agenda, but how many times do you send […]

Promote the health of your employees in three easy steps

Did you know that healthy employees are 18% more productive and 27% less absent than unhealthy colleagues? This evidence underscores the importance of creating a workplace environment that prioritises the well-being, happiness, and fitness of your team. And with more people now working from home – without the daily support or check-in of colleagues and […]

How to get back into the swing of things after some time-off

How to get back into the swing of things after some time-off To keep your customers happy and your business running smoothly, you need to be attracting and retaining top talent. And this is much more than just offering a good salary – from the moment you start recruiting, through the onboarding process and beyond, […]

How to keep top talent in your organisation

In the dynamic world of business, the key to customer satisfaction and seamless operations lies not just in what you offer, but in who stands behind your services: your team. Attracting and retaining the crème de la crème goes far beyond competitive salaries. It’s about creating an environment where excellence thrives, from the first hello […]

From chaos to productivity in five easy steps

Life can be chaotic. Before the pandemic, how many times did we rush out of the house every morning, forgetting our phones, wallets, or even our fundamental front door key? Whilst we may slip straight from a quick breakfast to logging onto virtual meetings these days, what has not changed is that generally, we all […]

Top tips for top team performance

Managing a team efficiently calls for a manager to strike honest-to-goodness balance on a daily basis.As a progressive leader, you want your people to be able to use their talents and professional experience as effectively as possible, while making sure that all work-related responsibilities and commitments are met. At the same time, it is important […]

Create inspired micro-learning content

A laptop showing a micro-learning content module in the online learning platform of SkillsTown

Human Resources expert Josh Bersin points out that we only have 20 minutes per week to “learn” but that most of the time, we are so overwhelmed with emails and other tasks that even this is constantly interrupted. Learning “in the flow of work and home” is therefore imperative, which is where micro-learning or “essentials” […]

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