Service Level Agreement

In this SLA, the service provision is agreed upon between the other party and SkillsTown. It also describes the service levels that are provided by SkillsTown for the purpose of providing services to the other party. Qualitative and quantitative agreements with regard to the service provided and the maintenance of the service are established.

The service levels consist of a definition of indicators that are important to the other party with a view to (the quality of) its business operations. The relevant indicators are measurable and can be influenced by SkillsTown.

An associated standard is included for each indicator. These standards are the measurable criteria that must be met to guarantee the service level.

SkillsTown is responsible for the maintenance of the SLA and ensures the processing of all changes approved by both parties.
Information from the other party and its counterparties, stored by SkillsTown will at all times be treated in the strictest confidence by SkillsTown.
The availability of the SkillsTown Academy is 99.5% measured over the last month. Availability is measured 24/7 on the basis of multiple servers within Europe. Decommissioning for planned maintenance is not taken into account when measuring availability.
The availability of the SkillsTown Academy is checked 24/7.

Performance is automatically measured periodically and assessed on the basis of a series of actions (transaction) that simulate regular and representative use. The transaction includes the following actions:

  • Log in to the SkillsTown Academy
  • Navigate to the Essentials learning solution
  • View the first Essential shown
  • Closing the Essential
  • Log out of the SkillsTown Academy

In addition, response time is also measured. Response time is understood to mean: the moment of receipt of a request until the moment of answering this request. The average response time of the SkillsTown Academy does not exceed 1 second measured from a test location within Europe.

Reports from the counterparty with priority 1 to 4 are reported on working days between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm and registered at SkillsTown.

Disruptions are handled in accordance with the KPIs listed below.

Resolution time is understood to mean the time required until a workaround is applied, so that the consequences for users are minimized.

Resolution time
1 – Urgent
Critical disruptions with serious consequences for all users.
1 working day
2 – High
Disruptions with serious consequences for several users.
2 working days
3 – Middle
Disruptions with limited consequences for several users.
3 working days
4 – Low
Disruptions with limited consequences for an individual user.


SkillsTown will provide backup and restore of the service:
RPO (recovery point objective) = 24 hours
RTO (recovery time objective) = 48 hours
A full backup of the software and content is made every night. A database dump is also created and included. The backup is stored in a secure and redundant environment.
The backup location stores copies of the backup for up to 120 days.
SkillsTown will make every effort to take sufficient and appropriate technical and organizational measures, including in any case the measures referred to in the ISO27001 or equivalent standard, with regard to its infrastructure and third parties engaged by it with which or via which personal data can be processed, with regard to the processing of personal data to be carried out, against loss or against any form of unlawful processing (such as unauthorized access, impairment, modification or provision of the personal data).
Urgent interventions, for example as a result of security leaks, can be carried out at any time. Emergency procedures are treated as a priority 1 incident.
Changes that affect the links between SkillsTown and the other party will be communicated well in advance. SkillsTown strives to have maintenance take place outside office hours where possible.
Maintenance of a corrective, preventive and perfective nature is covered by this SLA.

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