SkillsTown secures top spot as Netherlands’ best trainer in the MT1000

SkillsTown has recently been voted as the best trainer in the training and education category of the MT1000, the largest survey assessing the quality and popularity of business service providers in the Netherlands. Their online learning platform tops the list with the highest customer satisfaction and NPS score.

Over 5,600 votes of confidence

Run by business magazine Management Today, more than 5,600 independent business decision-makers participated in the survey at the end of 2020, which focuses on real-life experiences as opposed to reputations. Companies were assessed in terms of product leadership, operational excellence, customer focus and their Net Promoter Score (NPS).

“It is an unbelievable achievement to be recognised by leading business professionals as the Netherlands’ number one trainer - a result of which we are extremely proud.”

Surpassing traditional institutes

Respected training institute Nyenrode Business University took second place. “The fact that an online training platform achieved a higher ranking than a well-known training institute like Nyenrode says enough,” states Tom Bos. “We work extremely hard every day to provide our customers and partners with the best possible service and the results of this survey show that our customers greatly appreciate this commitment.”

In the entire MT1000, SkillsTown ranks 25th among all business service providers in the Netherlands.

Leaders rate best in business services

Carried out by the Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation at the University of Amsterdam, the MT1000 charts how business service providers are rated by client senior executives and managers, based on their experiences with those companies over the past three years. In 2020, more than 5,600 business leaders gave their opinion on some 2,000 service providers in 59 different markets.

Through on demand learning SkillsTown enables companies, organisations and their employees to move with the continuously changing world around them. By offering hundreds of online training courses in different learning formats, SkillsTown responds to new and individual ways of learning in every stage of life of organisation and employee. The aim is to increase knowledge and skills, stimulate the ability to change and contribute to being an attractive employer.

We would love to tell you more about the benefits of our platform for your organisation during a free online demonstration!

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